Choisir son matériel

To buy a rug

How to choose ? How to calculate the size that will fit your horse best

1. Some things to consider when choosing...

A . Day rugs

Used during midseason, under a rug by cold weather or in winter during the day.
It is important to select the rugs according to the external temperature and to the living conditions of your horse. A clipped horse does not need the same protection as a horse which is not clipped. The temperature of the box and its exposure to the wind will also determin your choice. Inside stables are generally speaking warmer than outside boxes...


Exposition model : "Polar Equitheme"  rug ref 400 658

B. Couvertures d'écurie

Used in stables, they are not always waterproof.
It's easy to make them breathable to avoid the horse sweating.
They are generally completely padded.


Exposition model : "Colorado ecurie Equi theme" rug  ref 400 810

C. Turnout rugs

By definition waterproof, they are only padded on the 2/3 of the height, and the lower part is nylon lined.

D. Adapter le grammage selon la météo


Tableau grammage couvertures chevaux selon les températures PADD


Certains poneys ou chevaux qui passent toute l'année au pré sont mieux préparés pour affronter l'hiver sans forcément avoir besoin de couverture, grâce à la croissance naturelle de leur poil adapté aux conditions froides.

Cependant, pour les chevaux vivant au box, l'absence de mouvement limite leur capacité à générer de la chaleur corporelle. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel de leur fournir une protection adéquate contre le froid.

La nécessité de couvrir les chevaux varie également en fonction de l'infrastructure de l'écurie. Que les boxes soient en extérieur ou en intérieur, cela peut influencer le besoin de protection contre le froid.

En fin de compte, il est important de savoir s'adapter aux besoins individuels de son cheval, en prenant en compte sa condition physique et son environnement pour assurer son bien-être en hiver.

2. How to find the right size ?

All rugs do not fit all horses. The evolution of the rug shapes more or less deep in function of the model makes the back measurement less significant in your rug choice. To avoid mistakes in your purchase, you must know the total length of your horse, from the chest to the back of the hind legs. This measure does not change in fonction of the model.

Only one way to be sure !
Measure from the middle
of breast to the back of
hindleg to find the right
dimension (in centimetres)
which will fit your pony or horse.

3. The cut

From the "American" cut-type rugs (western RANDOL'S) to the EQUI-THÈME ìHalfneckî Paddock rugs, there is a difference of about 50 cm regarding the back length (if you compare 2 rugs of a same size 6'3"/190 cm). The first one covers 127 cm of the back, while the second one 190 cm and covers non only the back, but also the wither and beginning of neck. Neither one or the other measures the previous 145 cm. The back sizes 135, 145, 155 cm have been used for years (since the general shape of rugs had not improved) however, we cannot rely on these sizes anymore. Today only the dimension from middle of breast to back of hindleg has not changed and can be considered as the only reliable basis